Design thinking based workshop scenarios

Scenario Nr. 1

Project - tiny Budget - none Customer - not involved

Empathise. Trying to look at the big picture in a relatively short time? Don’t have the means to involve customers, but still want to find out the situation of you product or service? The suggested cards will help you through the first phase of your workshop.

Define. After the analysis, you need a systematic tool to help you collect your thoughts and clarify what is most important in the project, which is why this card is perfect for you.

Ideate. Short on time and can't get others on board, but still looking for another way to break the current thinking pattern? This card is ideal for the ideation phase. It will allow you to come up with unexpected ideas and solutions.

Prototype. If you work in a small team with limited resources, you need a method which allows you to re-use the resources you already have. It is important to use everything around you, whether you are in the office or in virtual space, to turn your ideas into reality efficiently with minimal resources.

Scenario Nr. 2

Project - small Budget - $ Customer - involved

Empathise. This card will allow you to see other perspectives as well as what customers might see and feel while using your product or service. It is Important to use a newcomer mindset and avoid personal beliefs and biases in this process. 

Define. Since you have looked at your challenge from different perspectives and may have even evaluated your competitors, you need tools to help you properly organise your information and see what matters most.

Ideate. Now it's time to come up with new ideas. With limited time, we highly recommend that you draw on analogs and build on other ideas. These cards will help you to do that.

Prototype. Sometimes it takes very little to turn ideas into working prototypes. It's just a simple matter of suggesting to your audience that they change a habit, or quickly conveying a key message using what you have around you. These cards will help you do that.

Scenario Nr. 3

Project - medium Budget - $$$ Customer - involved

Empathise. We recommend using the following cards for when you start an innovation or design project and you want to get to know your customers better, for understanding how they use your product or service, and for which tasks or jobs they might hire them.

Define. After the analysis, it is crucial to both identify your target customer and to understand their key needs and redefine the challenge. These cards will help you achieve all of these goals.

Ideate. In the idea generation phase, look for inspiration and insights from the outside. Share your thoughts with others to create ideas and concepts as rich and interesting as possible.

Prototype. The prototype phase is about turning ideas into reality, and even better when those ideas are turned into prototypes using very recognizable concepts such as a house or a box. These cards will not only allow your creativity to come out but at the same time use familiar concepts to convey your amazing ideas.

Scenario Nr. 4

Project - full scale Budget - $$$$$ Customer - involved

Empathise. If you are starting a big project and you want to get the best possible understanding of how your customers are solving their challenges today, what products they are using, and what the experts in your field think, we recommend using these cards.

Define. For maximum empathy and understanding of who your customer is, and what needs and challenges they have to address, we recommend the following tools for this task.

Ideate. When you have a little more time and want to come up with innovative ideas, use less known and familiar tools to make ideas and concepts as creative as possible.

Prototype. As you are working on a more complex idea, the concept itself will probably not be very simple, in which case we recommend using this card.

Good luck with your workshops! We wish you a successful innovation process.

Good luck with your workshops! We wish you a successful innovation process.

Share some other card combinations that have worked for you. 

And don’t forget, when you grab AnyThink you can change everything.